Moreeb Dune, known as the "Hill of Fear," is one of the most iconic landmarks in Liwa, a stunning oasis in the Dhafra region of Abu Dhabi. Renowned for its breathtaking height and sweeping vistas, Moreeb Dune attracts adventurers and nature enthusiasts a ...
Exploring Liwa: A Cultural Gem Near Dubai
Liwa, a breathtaking oasis situated in the Dhafra region of Abu Dhabi, is merely a few hours' drive from the vibrant city of Dubai. Here, one can experience a harmonious blend of rich cultural heritage and contemporary convenience. This unique contrast m ...
Liwa Sports Club
Liwa Sports Club Liwa Sports Club (LSC) is a prominent club located in the Dhafra Region of the Emirate of Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. The club is primarily known for organizing the annual Liwa International Festival, a four-week cultural extrav ...